Chamber Choir

based in Bracknell, Berkshire

September 2024 Jack Thompson appointed MD

... and we say a fond farewell to Nick Austin after over 11 years as our previous Music Director.

TV at 50
50 Years of Music Making

September 2017 to August 2018

Nick Austin
Visit to Oloron, 2008

Our tour included a concert in the Oloron Cathedral, a World Heritage site.

Tour Diary
Celebrations after 40 Years, 2007
Poster 2007

January 2022 a new rehearsal venue

... as we leave our home of many years in South Hill Park for a new home at Jennett's Park CE Primary School.

September 2017 - August 2018: a Golden Season

... as we celebrate 50 years of music making.

January 2013 Nick Austin appointed music director

... and we say a fond farewell to Peter White after 16 years as our previous Music Director.

October 2008 a French excursion

... with our very first tour abroad visiting Oloron St Marie and Ogeu-les-Bains in the Haut BĂ©arn on the edge of the Pyrenees.  Despite Channel Tunnel closures following a fire and poor weather the choir arrived safely at Oloron, to the amazement of organiser Peter Soul, on 21st October 2008.   We gave two concerts, with one being a joint concert with our hosts, the local French choir La Villanelle.

June 2007 40th anniversary concert

... celebrating 40 years as a choral group, and 10 years under the baton of Peter White.   The concert included a first performance of Four Thames Songs, especially composed by Peter for the occasion.

November 2004 a successful adoption

... with the premiere of Echoes of Other Worlds by composer Mark Bowden.  We "adopted" Mark under the PRS for Music Foundation Adopt-a-Composer scheme for 2003-04.   We were one of three choirs chosen countrywide to take part in supporting gifted emerging composers in the composition and performance of new music.

November 1992 a return to Windsor

... for our 25th anniversary concert in Windsor Parish Church, as we perform the Bach B Minor Mass.

March 1985 a "Wilde" experience

... with a chamber performance of Handel's Messiah for our first concert in the new Wilde Theatre at South Hill Park, Bracknell.

1977 a royal location

... for our 10th anniversary concert in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

1974 a new identity

... when we change our name to Thames Voyces.

1967 a choir is born

... with the founding of the choir by Ewan Davidson.